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A BIG Reiki Welcome!


So, what exactly is Reiki?


Reiki is a Japanese healing technique, based on the principle that a qualified Reiki therapist can channel energy into a patient by means of touch, in order to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.


The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”.  If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.


Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.


Distance Reiki Healing


The premise for distance Reiki healing is simply that we are all connected to the same source of energy and so therefore we are connected to each other. Energy has an impact regardless of time, space and physical proximity. Energy follows intent and so you can energetically connect with anyone, anywhere and send them positive energy and healing simply by making the intention to.


Distance Reiki is a bit more than that though. It can be just as intense as having a Reiki session in person. During a distance Reiki session, I’m connecting to your energy in the same way as I would if you were here, and I’m channelling the energy in to your energy field in the same way too. The energy works the same way as it would if you were with me in person.


There is no separation between you and I in the healing space. For most people who have distance Reiki, they feel everything as if they would in person and this is always a surprise for them!


During distance Reiki sessions, I will use a ‘surrogate’ medical doll to represent you, and channel the energy through the doll, directly to you. It is as effective as an in-person session.


I will arrange a suitable day and time to channel your Reiki energy to you for each of your sessions. Please don’t feel the need to sit down and ‘do nothing’ for the whole time (unless you want to meditate, or watch TV, or relax with a book) – Reiki will work regardless, and begin its healing work on you!


Are there any side effects?


Some people report feeling a deep sense of relaxation after a Reiki session. Others feel energized or experience physical sensations like warmth, cold, or tingling. Others report a reduction in physical symptoms like pain, headaches, or nausea.


On the other hand, practitioners warn that a Reiki session may cause side effects like weakness, tiredness, indigestion, or headaches as the release of negative energy leaves behind "toxins." Patients experiencing these side effects are advised to rest, and stay well hydrated. Side effects should pass within 48 hours of a Reiki session with adequate self care.


I have medical conditions. Does this matter?


In Reiki medicine, people use Reiki to treat or manage a variety of health conditions, including:



However, patients with pacemakers should avoid Reiki treatments. Reiki therapy will help the body to stabilize and regulate its functions. While Reiki is not an electrical current, it may cause disruption in the pacemakers timing. This is because the internal blockages that are cleared with Reiki may help the heart to regulate itself, which would work against a pacemaker.


Patients under anaesthetic should not receive Reiki healing at a distance. During surgery the client may receive a cocktail of drugs that may render the patient unconscious and make the procedure painless. However, Reiki seeks to restore balance allowing the body to remove impurities like anaesthetic drugs. This could result in anaesthesia being ineffective.


When bones have been broken, a client should not receive Reiki treatment until the bone is set. When giving a Reiki treatment, the body’s natural healing energies are moved back into balance. This could cause the broken bone to begin healing quickly before the bone has been set properly. Please ensure that any treatments for broken bones, including physiotherapy, have been completed before seeking Reiki sessions.


Client with epilepsy should avoid Reiki therapy as it may trigger a seizure.


Patients who are injecting insulin for diabetes should use caution when getting Reiki treatments. The energy balancing that accompanies Reiki therapy can impact the blood glucose levels. They should measure their levels after any Reiki session and report any significant change to their doctor. Always follow medical advice.


Patients on blood pressure medication should use caution when getting Reiki treatments, because the Reiki treatment is meant to bring the body back into correct balance and this can interfere with the effects of medications. Like diabetes, Reiki patients on blood pressure medication should check their blood pressure regularly and follow medical advice.

Patients taking thyroid or adrenal medication should not be treated with Reiki. As these treatments are designed to bring the body back into balance, if you are taking thyroid medication the treatment may interfere with the regulation of medicine in the body.




Reiki is a fantastic, transformative alternative therapy with many, many health benefits.


However, please be prepared for a complete physical and emotional detoxification process.


We’ve discussed the physical effects of Reiki, but emotionally, it can be an intense process over time, and a number of sessions.


Reiki is very effective at releasing negative and/or traumatic memories from any point throughout your life. While this is incredibly liberating, please only proceed if you are willing to confront any suppressed memories/experiences, and allow them to be released. You may find external counselling helpful to aiding the process.


If you find that this happens, please know and understand that it is a sign that your body is responding to Reiki in the correct way. It is very tempting to give up Reiki during feelings of emotional difficulty or suppression, but further Reiki sessions will aid the healing process, and allow the cycle of healing to be completed.


I am always available for confidential counselling or discussions around your Reiki treatments and their effects. I have a duty of care to you to ensure that you are physically and emotionally supported, and I am happy to be available to you for this at any time.


I look forward to working with you!


Love and Light,


Stacey Davis

Reiki Master Practitioner



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