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Training and Qualifications


I'm Stacey Davis, and I'm proud to have completed my Reiki Apprenticeship whilst simultaneously completing 100 hours of practice and two passing separate exams to prove competency.


I am a member of the International Reiki Association, and fully insured to practice.


I use the surrogate method of energy transfer during the distance reiki sessions, complemented with a medical grade surrogate doll with chakras highlighted for accuracy.



When a person decides to reach out for reiki sessions, more often than not, they are pursuing a positive change in their life, and they have a hope for additional peace and calm in what is often a busy life, and subsequently, a chaotic mind.

Reiki will certainly bring a calmness to anyone's life, and mind. However, a healing journey is not linear, it's an ongoing process!

Reiki alone is also not a magic wand.

There needs to be a long-term commitment to growth, change, and a degree of self-work - with inward reflection - to determine behaviours you have that are serving you, and behaviours that are not. You then should seek to make different behaviour choices that work in the highest of good for you and those around you.

There needs to be a degree of responsibility taken for the life journey so far, along with acceptance that each experience - positive or negative - has served as a lesson which has enabled you to grow as an energy.

There are no regrets, no shame, no personal judgements for personal behaviour - only acceptance and thanks for the lessons that life has served you. We are only human, and humans will 'err - learn - grow'.

There is no anger, bitterness, resentment or directed hurtful thoughts to those who have hurt you. There is, instead, gratitude to the universe that those people were sent as teachers to allow you to learn what you will - and won't - accept for your life journey, and to hold up a proverbial mirror to unhealed parts of yourself.

When we are emotionally damaged by others, often for the first time in childhood, we can have that damage re-triggered time and time again throughout our lives. Feelings of abandonment, control, betrayal, inner rage, shame, not being good enough.. etc. can be triggered by adult behaviours of adultery, lies, deceit, abuse - and the list goes on.

The point is this.

EVERYBODY has inner work to do, and reiki will facilitate that. However, healing is not a '3 sessions and we're done' kinda deal.

Reiki sessions can be conducted at a pace to suit you - weekly, fortnightly, monthly, every 3 months, yearly - its an absolute personal preference. However, with reiki, and your healing journey, needs to come inner work. Sometimes you'll feel like you're moving forward, sometimes you'll feel stalled. BUT - you're always moving forward - whether it feels like it or not.

The good thing though is that you WILL let go of your traumas. You WILL let go of the huge emotional bag that you've carried around all of your adult life. You WILL begin to heal - if you do the work.

It's just not a linear process!


Usui Trained Reiki Master

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