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Single, detailed Angels and Ancestors Card Reading


9 Card Spread - The Celtic Compass Spread


We are surrounded by countless guides who want to share their knowledge to bring about healing and change. This card set crosses the divine between all cultures to bridge the gap between this world and the next.


Card 1 - Spirit - You and your energy

Card 2 - Earth - What is grounding you and keeping you focussed at this time

Card 3 - Air - Your current thoughts and perceptions

Card 4 - Fire - Your rising desires and primal needs

Card 5 - Water - How you really feel emotionally

Card 6 - What needs attention and action

Card 7 - Where to direct your energy and intentions

Card 8 - What you need to let go and let flow

Card 9 - The outcome of your current vibration


Allow the divine and ancient wisdom of the elders to grant you guidance to work in the highest of good for your life.


Your reading will be emailed to you within 48 hours of your request.

Angels and Ancestors Card Reading - 9 Card Spread

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